
  • Coaching

    Through coaching, I offer a very carefully facilitated and supportive space for leaders and leadership teams to think deeply about their experience of work and to consider how, by better understanding their own and others’ drives and needs, they might become even more effective in their roles. We focus in particular on the systemic nature of leadership; on how the parts of a school interrelate and interact to impact the whole. When working with teams, I address the dynamics in the group as part of the process of developing trust and team effectiveness.

    Find out more about 1:1 or TEAM COACHING

  • Leadership Formation

    Most approaches to leadership development focus on competencies, strengths or models, but an increasing amount of evidence indicates that this is not developing the capacities leaders need to succeed amidst complexity. Through my workshops and professional development programmes - some developed in partnership with leading providers, others proprietary to Restart-Ed - I aim to build the habits, skills, behaviours and capacities that will help you lead more effectively and achieve the many things asked of you.

    Find out more about LEADERSHIP FORMATION

  • Consulting

    Through consultancy, I help identify what's really going on in your organisation, looking at the interpersonal, psychological and cultural dynamics that are driving behaviour and therefore outcomes. By using a range of evidence-based techniques and approaches, I look under the surface of organisational life and - often surprisingly quickly - identify the root cause of challenges that remain unseen by 'insiders'. If required, I can call on a range of wonderful partners with tools or services that further these aims.

    Find out more about CONSULTING

  • Partnerships

    I also engage in occasional project work with partners - charities, think tanks, research organisations or training providers, etc - to add capacity as an associate or contractor. This usually involves providing research, content, coaching, training or advice, though - frankly - I’m up for a chat about anything that interests me and furthers my aim to improve schools!

    Find out more about PARTNERSHIPS

  • “It’s hard to think outside the box when you’re in it.”

    Charles Handy

  • "Transforming education in general is always about transforming individual schools ... so that each school develops its own approaches to the challenges they face as a unique community."

    Ken Robinson

  • "The only thing more difficult than starting something new in an organisation is stopping something old."

    Russell Ackoff

  • "The purest form of listening is to listen without memory or desire."

    Wilfred Bion

  • "The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent to which this is happening."

    Edgar Schein

  • "Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do."

    Jean Piaget